Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Bílafloti skartgripakóngs

Rakst á þessa grein á vef Architectural Digest og fannst hún svo skemmtileg að ég verð að deila henni með þeim ykkar sem gætuð haft gaman af fallegum antikbílum .
Hér er á ferð viðtal við skartgripaframleiðandann Nicola Bulgari sem er með um 50 ameríska antikbíla í bílskúr sínum en blaðamaður talar einmitt um það í greininni að þegar Bulgari notar orðið bílskúr hafi það ekki alveg sömu meiningu og fyrir þig og mig ! "Bílskúrinn" hans er nefnilega risaskemma með íbúð yfir eins og sést á myndunum hér að neðan. Veggirnirí íbúðinni yfir bílasalnum eru allir úr gleri svo njóta megi dýrðarinnar úr hvaða rými hennar sem er. Snilldar vel útfært.
Undirrituð snýr sig nánast undanteningalaust úr háls-mjaðma og axlarlið þegar hún sér antik bíl á götum bæjarins og getur vart slitið augun af þessum undrum hvar sem þau kunna að birtast.
Það þarf ekki að vera e-r eðalbíll .Bara gamall sætur bíll sem minnir á liðna tíma .
Einfaldari tíma.Saklausari tíma.
Hef t.d. rekist á Ómar Ragnarsson á flakki um bæjinn á litlu dósinni sinni og öll fjöskyldan byrjaði ósjálfrátt að brosa og veifa til hans þegar við fórum framhjá honum -og hann auðvitað á móti!
(Ég veit hvað þið hugsið : get a life !!)
Sjálf á ég mér draumabíl í þessum flokki .Finnst hann laaaangflottastur ,og bara svalari en allir þessir amerísku sem hr Bulgari á sko .Ég ætla að pósta hann hér á blogginu fljótlega ,en byrjum á Bvulgari..endilega lesið byrjun viðtalsins -mjög skemmtilegt.

In a lounge overlooking his sprawling collection of vintage American cars, Nicola Bulgari and a film crew from General Motors are relaxing after a day of shooting and a home-cooked dinner. They’re watching The Big Shot on an oversize screen, a movie starring Buicks. Humphrey Bogart is in it, too.
Bulgari, scion of one of the world’s great jewelry dynasties and current vice chairman of the company, is at the remote control, and he fast-forwards past the prison scene. He tears through dialogue, including all the kissy parts. But when he gets to the car chase, his finger releases the remote, and he lets the film run in real time. A 1940 Buick Roadmaster is being pursued by a 1941 Buick Century Model 61 police car. Both cannonball down the hilly road, careening off embankments of snow.
But it’s during the parking-lot scene that Bulgari freeze-frames the movie, in order to take a long look at rows of cars—mostly Buicks from 1940 and 1941—while he and his colleagues pick out individual species of the breed. The covered parking lot in the movie, come to think of it, looks very much like his lot of tightly parked vintage American cars below.
When Nicola Bulgari uses the word garage, it doesn’t have quite the same meaning that it does for you and me.
His garage is really a 10,000-square-foot hangar in Allentown, Pennsylvania, currently housing a collection of 50 mostly American cars and ever growing. The collection is heavy on 1941 models—coincidentally, the year of Bulgari’s birth—and many are Buicks, which happen to be his favorite. But the range of marques and years is wide, and it proves that far greater automotive diversity existed in the United States before the country’s approximately 2,600 car manufacturers were thinned out in a process of Darwinian selection that was accelerated by the Depression and World War II.
Dressed casually in cords, with a country tweed jacket over a Shetland sweater, Bulgari is easygoing and avuncular. But when he talks cars, it’s urgent. He’s not just a car guy; he sites his capacious knowledge about cars in a larger cultural and social context. He has restored the cars not just for the pleasure of chrome, he says, but “to preserve an important but overlooked part of American history. The automotive history of the country is phenomenal.” And in his opinion, things are just getting better. “Today, GM is still designing the most beautiful cars in the world. The imports are really bland and vanilla—no personality, no character."
Greinin heldur áfram hér:

Hér sést vel úr salnum upp í íbúðina- er þetta ekki draumur flestra karlmanna ; að búa með bílunum sínum í aukaíbúð ?!


Geturðu ekki sofnað? Prófaðu að telja ...bíla!!

Nokkrir sem bíða þess að fá makeover

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1 comment:

Galaxy6139 said...

really nice cars around here ^^